Sunday, November 7, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours- but every rain cloud has a silver lining

So many of you know that the day Jordan and I came back from our honeymoon my work told me that I wouldn't have a job as of January 1st.  A week later they changed their minds- and now I am free.  Seriously, other than having to be careful about getting too bored (which leads to depression for me) I am in a better atmosphere and get to do more things that I love.  Of course, I gotta find a job, and soon, but  in the mean time I've enjoyed volunteering at West Jordan High School and helping them put together for their set, getting my house in order, and spending more time with brand new husband.

Of course, when you have a situation that can lead to a lot of stress, such as trying to find a new job that will pay enough and be enjoyable, other things go wrong.  On Friday, Jordan was baking biscuits (cute, I know) and we heard a POP!  He went to check it out only to find our oven on fire because the coil had broken.  The greatest tragedy isn't that it is an added expense that we just can't fix right now, but that we've been trying to not eat out and the stove and oven were my best cooking allies.  So now we have to get creative and work with super fast methods (microwave) or super slow (slow cooker) to eat anything other than a sandwich.

Aha!  I just remembered that we have a BBQ grill.  Okay, we'll be fine, because for our wedding we also got a toaster oven, so Jordan can still make his biscuits.

Well, there are two more things that have really added to our trials.  First of all Jordan has a full blown cold.  Which since he's the only one bringing in money, he really can't miss work right now.  So I'm keeping him on full doses of alternating NyQuill and DayQuill.  Then the trial that broke the camels back was Jordan woke up and was at the U of U yesterday by 6:30 am for Marching band, sick as he was, and then the Utes didn't even try to win.  The depression was palpable in our home last night.  Jordan lost his voice to boot trying to cheer them into a victory.  It just wasn't enough.

Keep us in your prayers and send us your good energy and love!


  1. I hope you find a good job soon! I know what a pain that can be, but I'm glad t hear that it has opened up other opportunities for self-fulfillment, like working on the set. I'm cheering for you!

  2. We will for sure be keeping you in our prayers. Hang in there- blessings always come after the trial, the bigger the trial the bigger the blessings. How wonderful that you both have each other to get through this rough patch. We love you guys! :) xx

  3. sending good vibes your way! i LOVE to slow cook in the winter. Here is an awesome website dedicated to slow cooking! She is all about cooking recipes with things you already have in your house/pantry. Cheap & delicious with lot's of leftovers you can freeze!

  4. I love you guys! Good luck! Get better soon!
