Thursday, February 17, 2011

My New Favorite Thing...

Cupcake shops. I wanted to find Jordan the perfect red-velvet cupcake for Valentine's Day.  (I had gotten the idea from my friend, Katie, who had done it for her anniversary).  And so my quest for the perfect cupcake shop began.  One friend suggested Costco (which to be honest since I'm craving cupcakes so badly I may just go buy a 6 pack Red Velvet special), Katie suggested The Cheesecake Factory, another friend suggested Mini's and then I found a bunch more on the internet.  I have now been to So Cupcakes and Mini's.  Both were fantastic.  I will be trying the rest as my blood sugar and pocket book allow. 

For my friend, Lauren's birthday, I got her the "Tiffany's Box" cupcake from Mini's.  Check out the picture below for how stinkin' cute it is!  Also, ignore me... I look like a goober. 

My little sister has a dream to one day own a cupcake shop.  I heartely support this cause.  Especially since I can't bake a cake to save my life.  It is not a talent that was endowed to me in this life- so I will just spend my time enjoying those that others make.

Also, I LOVE the flowers Jordan got me, and no blog right after Valentine's would be complete without a shout out to an amazing husband.  Give thanks to the really good ones!

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